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Barometer: are used to measure air pressure. The unit of measurement for a barometer is millibars mbars. The higher tha air pressure the clearer the sky will be, the lower it could rain. if the air pressure is dropping there is a chance of rain.
Psychrometer: is used to measure realative humidity. a psychometer has two thermometers on it, but one of them has a wet cloth over it to cool it down. a formula is used from the temperature of each thermometer to calculate the realtive humidity. Relative humidity is calculated in percents.
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Anemometer: is a device for measuring wind speed. the most common type of anemometer is a cup anemometer. the wind is measured in mph or km/h. the ratio of the speed of the wind and the speed of the cups is determined by the length of the arms of the cups and the size of the cups.
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Rain gauge: is used to measure the amount of precpitation over time. Rain gauges are measured in millimeters. There are a few different types of rain guages but the most common and the standard one consists of a funnel attached to a graduated cylinder. Rain gauges are sometimes in accurate especially during a hurricane.
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Hygrometer: is used to measure relative humidity. Hygrometer and psychrometers are just a bout the same thing. Psychrometers are a form of a hygrometer. There are a couple different types of hygrometers, the most common type is a psychrometer which i already wrote about above. Hygrometer often need often re-calibration because the are subject to drift
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